Trending: Medical MCQs

Q 11-13 : Answers

Question Number 11

Correct Answer: E

The finding of a a non-compressible superficial superficial femoral vein is indicative of thrombosis of this vein which is the major vein draining the lower limb. Once a diagnosis of Deep vein thrombosis has been made by venography or ultrasonography , baseline CBC, PTT, and INR levels should be obtained. Heparin should be administered Warfarin should be started on the evening of Day 1, and the dose adjusted to obtain an INR level of 2.0 - 3.0


Question Number 12

Correct Answer: D

Ventilation/Perfusion scintigraphy should be performed to rule out pulmonary embolism. The characteristic feature of emboli are mismatched defects.

Question Number 13

Correct Answer: A

Depending on culture sensitivities, the therapy directed against Group A streptococci usually is penicillin G, 1 to 2 million units intravenously every 2 to 3 hours. Penicillin-allergic patients may be treated with a cephalosporin such as cefazolin. Vancomycin may be used in cases in which cross-reactivity between penicillin and cephalosporin is of concern, If Haemophilus infiuenzae infection is suspected, then ampicillin is administered in six divided dosages. Alternatively, because of recent emergence of beta-lactamase-producing ampicillin strains, a cephalosporin (cefuroxime or cefotaxime) may be chosen. In the course of penicillin allergy, trimethoprim sulfameth-oxazole may be a treatment option in this select setting

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