Trending: Medical MCQs

Q 17-19 Answers

Question Number 17

Correct Answer: C

Acute leukemias are commoner in Down's syndrome. Experienced morphologists can reproducibly classify about 70% of acute leukemias as either ALL or AML by the blast appearance on Romanovsky-stained smears based on nuclear and cytoplasmic features. The most important morphologic characteristic in identifying blasts is the nuclear chromatin pattern. The chromatin in lymphoblasts is more clumped and irregularly distributed. The presence of nucleoli varies. Nucleoli may be indistinct or appear prominent because of chromatin condensation along the nucleolar and nuclear membranes


Question Number 18

Correct Answer: B

Vitiligo is a circumscribed amelanotic macule that occurs in a symmetrical distribution around body orifices and over bony prominences is familial in a third of cases. Although most patients with vitiligo are healthy, there is an increased association with certain autoimmune conditions such as thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, Addison's disease, pernicious anemia, and diabetes mellitus. Melanocytes are absent from the vitiliginous macules The severity of vitiligo differs with each individual. Light skinned people usually notice the pigment loss during the summer as the contrast between the affected skin and sun tanned skin becomes more distinct. People with dark skin may observe the onset of vitiligo any time.


Question Number 19

Correct Answer: A

Felty's syndrome is a triad of rheumatoid arthritis, splenomegaly, and neutropenia. This is secondary to immunoglobulin directed toward neutrophils. Patients with Felty's syndrome respond to splenectomy with an increase in their neutrophil count. Splenomegaly with peripheral trapping and destruction of neutrophils is also seen in lysosomal storage diseases and in portal hypertension.

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